The Love Your Vibe Podcast

Episode 1 - Mental Wellness through Personal Development

• Elvira V. Hopper and Eleanor Hayward • Season 1 • Episode 1

 Welcome to The Love Your Vibe Podcast. It's A Revolution of Evolution! You are in the right place, if you are a kind and heart-centered person, looking to learn new ways of showing up, aligned, authentic and fully self-expressed. If everyone did this work on the planet, don't you think it could be heaven on earth? I'm Elvira Hopper, and I'm in the studio with Eleanor Hayward. And we are so thrilled that you've joined us.

In this episode,  we speak to the importance of doing our inner work, our personal development. We truly believe that so many issues on the planet would not exist if people did do their inner work, of letting go of what they're not and embracing who they truly are. So please, enjoy!  

Learn more about:
Elvira V. Hopper, Miracle Mindset CoacHealer
Eleanor Hayward, Holistic Facilitator

 Elvira Hopper  0:05  
Welcome to The Love Your Vibe Podcast. It's A Revolution of Evolution! You are in the right place, if you are a kind and heart-centered person, looking to learn new ways of showing up, aligned, authentic and fully self-expressed. If everyone did this work on the planet, don't you think it could be heaven on earth? I'm Elvira Hopper, and I'm in the studio with Eleanor Hayward. And we are so thrilled that you've joined us.

In this episode, Eleanor and I speak to the importance of doing our inner work, our personal development. We truly believe that so many issues on the planet would not exist if people did do their inner work, of letting go of what they're not and embracing who they truly are. So please, enjoy! 

Hello, and welcome to the love your vibe Podcast. I'm Elvira Hopper and I'm here in the studio with my beautiful partner, Eleanor Hayward. 

Eleanor Hayward  1:07  
Hello, Elvira! So wonderful to see and hear you today. 

Elvira Hopper  1:12  
Yes, it is so exciting. And we are going to be talking about why we wanted to come together and create this podcast. Because it's something that's been sitting in your heart and mind for a few years now. 

Eleanor Hayward  1:25  
On my dream board!

Elvira Hopper  1:26  
Yes. And there's nothing quite as beautiful as making a dream come true. So yeah, so let's talk about that Eleanor. Let's talk about why The Love Your Vibe Podcast, A Revolution of Evolution. Yeah.

Eleanor Hayward  1:39  
Please. Okay, so why are you interested in having a podcast, Elvira? 

Elvira Hopper  1:44  
Well, I really believe that we have a powerful message that the world needs to hear. And we are doing our personal development SOULution in our own unique way, with our work, and there's a lot of people doing personal development on the planet right now. Ours is just one way of doing it. But I know that we both agree that if there were more people doing personal development on our planet, we would have a lot fewer problems. Right?

Eleanor Hayward  2:12  
 I agree. Yeah, we seem to have a lot of crises going on intersectionally that we were talking about that. First of all, there's the climate crisis, which is bearing down on our civilization, it has been reported to be the greatest challenge that our humankind has ever faced. Because it's a multinational challenge. We have the mental health crisis in Canada. And that is just devastating.

Elvira Hopper  2:12  
well, global.  Yeah, I mean, there's the pandemic, and the epi.. pandemic.

Eleanor Hayward  2:47  
Globally. Obviously, the pandemic is a global crisis, as well. So many things to say about that, but that's not our topic for today. But then there's the opioid crisis, which I don't think gets enough attention as well. And that is a crisis of people being in pain, and then having a pharmaceutical solution that becomes addictive. And so really, mental wellness is the focus of personal development.

Elvira Hopper  3:14  
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And that is what we are all about. Because you know, you've gone through your struggles you know, where you were, where you are now. I've gone through mine as well you know, having lived you know, a life that was shiny looking on the outside but, but hollow on the inside because I wasn't living aligned, authentic, fully self-expressed. I was really just living from my ego I had, you know, I wore the smile, you know, the shiny mask that that made the world think that I had it all together. And yeah, I was a pharmaceutical award-winning rep, I left the company making six figures,  but it was through a blessed breakdown that it got me out of that life. And thank God for my depression, my anxiety, my panic disorder that that you know, was a wake-up call to say hey, you are not living aligned, you are not living authentic, you are not living fully self expressed. And then when I left that corporation to live my truth, to become a coach and realized I was a healer, I was an artist and when I got aligned with who I truly was, like, miracles just started happening! Like becoming a jazz singer at 51 and my marriage going from hell-on-wheels to heaven-on-earth and and connecting to my bigger Why--Why am I here? Right? So and that cleared up my mental health, like that, within a month. Literally, my life had turned around. 

Eleanor Hayward  4:38  
That quickly, eh?. 

Elvira Hopper  4:39  
Yeah, it was so fast because I was divinely gifted with these tools when I hit my rock bottom. 

Eleanor Hayward  4:44  
The Love Your Vibe Transformation.

Elvira Hopper  4:46  
Yeah, yeah. So The Love Your Vibe Miracle Mindset is what came through me, and that's the basis of The Love Your Vibe Transformation. But it's like it was a miracle because I wanted a way out that wasn't drugs that wasn't therapy, or I wanted a way to end my life. Because I couldn't live like that anymore. I was being bullied corporately, I attracted another bully socially, went to a dark place because I lived out of alignment, I did live from ego. And this is this is why I recognize it so easily in in the world that is, you know, most people are living from ego, they're living out of alignment. 

Eleanor Hayward  5:21  
Juicy topic.

Elvira Hopper  5:22  
Yeah, this is why I'm so passionate to bring this work to others, because I know it saved my life. And I was even told, hey, it's not just for you, it's for you to share with the world. And the great thing is that now, you know, amazing people like you and Jennifer Hawkins came together and you you know, you collaborated to use these teachings and tools that saved my life. And you're, you're now sharing them with the world through your online program called The Love Your Vibe Transformation. And, you know, it is, it is just the most important thing in my life, because I just want to see the whole world doing this personal development. I want to see the whole world release the crap that's not them, and embracing who they truly are. 

Eleanor Hayward  6:04  
Yes, right? Evolve.

Elvira Hopper  6:07  
Evolve. A revolution of evolution. Right. And, it's all about realizing that, you know, we are not our ego selves. And when we live as our ego selves, our mental health, isn't that great, you know, and especially right now, during this COVID, you know, period, you know, we're dealing with this pandemic. If you're not doing the inner work, you're going to struggle more like, I got to be honest, like, you and I, like we haven't struggled as much as some people have during COVID. Because we we have this system that's been able to support us, the teachings and tools.

Eleanor Hayward  6:37  
A form of privilege.

Elvira Hopper  6:38  
And our community. 

Eleanor Hayward  6:39  

Elvira Hopper  6:39  
And yeah, it is definitely a privilege for sure. But it's also a choice, you know, and I know, some people don't all have that choice, right. But, but I really feel that the things that happen to you aren't your fault. But how you choose to be in the face of those things is your responsibility. Like, right, and so it is, it is a privilege. And and you know, there's a lot of people that don't have that privilege. However, you know, I think everybody can choose to, you know, leave a dark place if they want to, if they decide, that's not good enough, 

Eleanor Hayward  7:19  
That was your experience.

Elvira Hopper  7:20  
That was my experience. Yeah. But I also know, people that are BIPOC that have used this system, you know, even though they felt marginalized and and, you know, not privileged, they're using this system too, to take back their power, you know, to to rise to be who they truly are. Right? Aligned, authentic, fully self-expressed. And yeah, and I and I just imagine a world where we're all doing this work. And to me, it could be heaven on earth. So yeah, I just want to turn it over to you, because I've said a lot there. But, what is your take on it?

Eleanor Hayward  7:55  
Well, I wanted to do a podcast because I feel like, well, you've inspired me to believe that I have a story. That is a message, that is magic. That words are our most inexhaustible source of magic. I think that's Dumbledore. Harry Potter quote.

Elvira Hopper  8:16  
I love it!

Eleanor Hayward  8:16  
And really words, we refer to them as spelling, or spelling words. 

Elvira Hopper  8:22  
Yes. And casting a spell right?

Eleanor Hayward  8:24  
Yeah, exactly. And that can get woo-woo. But I think that's what we have, that's fun. We're a little bit woo-woo. But I'm also an academic. 

Elvira Hopper  8:33  
Yeah, yeah. 

Eleanor Hayward  8:34  
My background is as a massage therapist. And I was very skeptical, logical, analytical. That was my upbringing from my family. Very well-read as a youth and massage therapy was a college program. And I've been practicing that for almost 20 years now. And COVID was a blessed breakthrough for me as well, it was a little bit challenging at the beginning, when the Ontario government determined that massage therapy wasn't an essential service. Which I said, Well, that's great. You believe that, but you tell that to my clients who need support with their chronic pain, day to day. 

Elvira Hopper  9:09  

Eleanor Hayward  9:09  
But for me, as a massage therapist, my gifts and my purpose started emerging when I learned how to practice Reiki early in my career, and recognize that we're more than physical beings. That we are holistic beings that are, our mental state, our emotional state, our spiritual state, really bears onto our physical state more than our Western system, medical system really acknowledges. And that inspires me. And within my family and my friends, I have a lot of exposure to mental illness. 

Elvira Hopper  9:52  
Same, yeah.

Eleanor Hayward  9:53  
And that is, can just be devastating. 

Elvira Hopper  9:57  

Eleanor Hayward  9:57  
And then it turns into addiction, which can be equally devastating. And my journey is like, well, what is going on? In the world? 

Elvira Hopper  10:07  

Eleanor Hayward  10:09  
Early on in my career also, I was a Girl Guide. And I became involved with environmentalism, and learning we have a biodiversity crisis going on as well, there's the sixth mass extinction going on, that we're destroying the planet that we rely upon for life. 

Elvira Hopper  10:29  
Yeah. Heavy, heavy stuff.

Eleanor Hayward  10:31  
And so, that led me to university as a mature student, as well, I've been studying social psychology and political science at McMaster University in Hamilton. And that has been such a blessing. The universe has let me know that I am in the right place, at the right time. When I have a question about the world in general, and the answer has been there in my textbook. And I've learned so much that I want to share about psychology and sociology, and how do we interact as a society? What makes a culture? How does that evolve? And that's, I think that's what inspires me the most is that culture is continually evolving. 

Elvira Hopper  11:09  

Eleanor Hayward  11:09  
As we shift and change, and personal development is a way to recognize our egos. And I'd love to have a conversation about ego. And really what that is. 

Elvira Hopper  11:20  
That's a whole other show. 

Eleanor Hayward  11:24  
That's a whole other show! But it's fascinating when, when we challenge our beliefs, when we challenge our habits, that we can evolve. And that's neuro-plasticity. 

Elvira Hopper  11:37  
Yeah. For sure.

Eleanor Hayward  11:38  
As personal development so that we can examine the heavy bricks in our backpack that we carry around, that we can look at those bricks and say, well, hey, this has been my experience. This was my trauma. Like stuff happened. I was abused. I witnessed something awful. I was neglected. But this tends to shape our worldview. And then we act from a self-defense mechanism. And then we tend to take that out on other people. Unfortunately.

Elvira Hopper  12:05  
Yeah. Hurt people hurt people. Right? 

Eleanor Hayward  12:08  
Yes. (Sigh). So I find all of this fascinating. And yet, I recognize my privilege, because I also recognize that in the world, oppression is a very real thing. 

Elvira Hopper  12:23  

Eleanor Hayward  12:23  
And I learned in sociology that the flip side of oppression is privilege. I was like, oh, light bulbs. And I think we all have different experiences with oppression. But I really do believe that personal development is the way forward for our society. And I think it's there in the pop culture, and it's been coming for, I guess, decades. 

Elvira Hopper  12:48  

Eleanor Hayward  12:49  
What was your introduction to personal development?

Elvira Hopper  12:52  
I mean, for me, I was I was always interested, like, you know, in just being a better me, like, even, you know, my 20s and whatnot. There was always that that sense of, you know, I remember, some of the magazines I read, you know, we're trying to remember, the one that really stuck out for me, I haven't read it in so long, I forget now. But anyway, the point is, yeah, it was always an interest. But I didn't really make the connection that my ego was running the show, because I lived out of alignment for so many years, I was trying to be something my parents wanted me to be, so that they would be proud of me, as opposed to who I truly was. Who I truly was, I was an artist, I was a healer. And always a coach, always wanting to see people do better and be happier in their lives. And so I was just a natural coach. And you know, blessed to say I do all those things today and more with with virtually no effort. And it's it's just me living in my joy and genius zone. And it's it's my zone where I'm aligned, authentic and fully self-expressed in everything that I am. And I really believe that if the world did this inner work, and got aligned, authentic, and fully self-expressed, our world would look so different, 

Eleanor Hayward  14:08  
Because we all have a purpose on this planet. I truly believe. 

Elvira Hopper  14:11  
But not everyone's gonna connect with it. So this podcast really matters to me because I want people to go deeper and realize that they're here for more. They're not just this meat-suit in this lifetime. 

Eleanor Hayward  14:24  
That's robot. 

Elvira Hopper  14:25  
Yeah, that's going to just go through life and then you know, party on the weekend, like work party on the weekend, and die one day, right? 

Eleanor Hayward  14:33  
Yeah, earn money. Spend money, consumerism. 

Elvira Hopper  14:35  
Yeah, earn money and yeah, exactly. We're more. We are spirits in these bodies, these meat suits as, as Lady Gaga calls it and and we're here, you know, we're here to to achieve something that only we can do. Like each one of us. I know it's cheesy. We're a snowflake. Each one of us is totally unique. 

Eleanor Hayward  14:55  
Love the metaphor!

Elvira Hopper  14:57  
And we're here for more. You know, we're here for more than we realize, you know, those of us that haven't gone deeper, I just invite everyone to just look a little deeper, you know, even if it's just picking up a book and reading, you know, like, something like, you know, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, or just going deeper into, you know, 

Eleanor Hayward  15:17  
Inspiration & spirituality. 

Elvira Hopper  15:18  
Yeah! Because you realize that when you read some of these these amazing, you know, people in the the world of personal development, spirituality that we are all here for more. We are spirits in these bodies, and we're here to achieve more, we're here to feel great. We're here to do great things. But like I said, not everyone's going to do this work. And the stats, I don't know what they are right now, I think they're getting better. But at one time I saw the stat was like 5% of the world is doing personal development. 95% is living unconsciously. 

Eleanor Hayward  15:51  

Elvira Hopper  15:51  
That's what I heard. Maybe I'm wrong, somebody correct me. But that's what I heard that it was really, really low. 

Eleanor Hayward  15:59  
In the information age..

Elvira Hopper  16:01  
Yeah, yeah, exactly. There's a lot of information out there. But there's very little wisdom out there. And wisdom is what happens when you undergo personal development, when you go through a transformation. When you get something is, you know, what's the word I'm looking for here, when you go through a transformation, and then you get a message from that. It becomes wisdom. You know, like, I went through my story for a reason, I've gleaned wisdom from it that I use and that I share with with, you know, those that want to follow me and be inspired by my story. And then they can apply it to their lives and see how how you know that wisdom can affect their lives, right. So, this is why we share our stories. Because when we share our stories, it's like it's not just information, it's wisdom. So I'm actually quoting my, I'm referring to a concept my, one of my beautiful mentors, Eiji Morishita shared with me is that the world is drowning in information. But it's dying of thirst for wisdom. 

Eleanor Hayward  17:12  
There you go. 

Elvira Hopper  17:13  
Yeah. So anyway, doing the inner work is about getting wisdom, is about realizing who you truly are. It's about letting go of the stories that you're not all the things that happened growing up the traumas that, you know, because we all have traumas. Right? We're not raised, you know, in in, you know, little ideal islands. There was a movie, I don't know whay it's coming to me, called the Blue Lagoon. And it was these two kids who raised themselves on this little island. There was a shipwreck. Yeah. And they they were,

Eleanor Hayward  17:45  
I remember that one. Utopia.

Elvira Hopper  17:46  
Utopia, Yeah. 

Eleanor Hayward  17:47  
Well they they were isolated, but, beautiful place.

Elvira Hopper  17:49  
I mean, they had all the food. Yeah, they raised themselves, there was no parents around. Like these were, like ideal humans, right. But the fact is, we're raised by imperfect humans, 

Eleanor Hayward  18:00  
Doing their best.

Elvira Hopper  18:00  
Doing the best they can from their state of consciousness, but they don't always do, great. You know, like my kids don't

Eleanor Hayward  18:06  
Kids don't come with an instruction manual.

Elvira Hopper  18:08  
Exactly. And they probably weren't raised in a way that was really great for them either. 

Eleanor Hayward  18:13  

Elvira Hopper  18:14  
Yeah. So a lot of them were you know, raised by tough parents that, you know..

Eleanor Hayward  18:18  
Tough love. I guess that's where I like about culture is like, Where have we come from? Because there have been cultural norms that have influenced us, like tough love was a really big one. 

Elvira Hopper  18:28  
Yeah, exactly. 

Eleanor Hayward  18:29  
And we are here talking about love your vibe. Yeah. But quite often in our society, I've learned that what we think of is love, is actually control. 

Elvira Hopper  18:36  

Eleanor Hayward  18:38  
It's a conditional love. I'll love you if. 

Elvira Hopper  18:41  

Eleanor Hayward  18:42  
I'll love you when.

Elvira Hopper  18:43  
Yeah, exactly. And a lot of us are raised in that atmosphere. And there's trauma, there's trauma in our bodies because of it. Right. So, so yeah, so I just, you know, really, I so wish that everybody that is on this planet, would somehow like at least pick up a book, if not do some sort of program, you know, work with a mentor, work with a coach. You know, there's there's so many beautiful, 

Eleanor Hayward  19:07  
Counselors, therapists,

Elvira Hopper  19:08  
There's so many different ways,

Eleanor Hayward  19:09  
Religious practitioners, there's so many,

Elvira Hopper  19:11  
whatever resonates with you. Right. You know, clearly, I'm a little biased, because, you know, our system has helped, you know, so many beautiful souls. And, you know, I know it works, right. It saved my life. And so I have to talk about it. 

Eleanor Hayward  19:23  
And there's evidence to our teachings and tools that we share as well. 

Elvira Hopper  19:26  
Exactly, exactly. So it's not just it's not woowoo, it's science. It's based on science, neuroplasticity. So yeah, so this is this is my request in this podcast is that everybody just go a little deeper and really look at you know, are you living consciously? Are you letting go of everything that you're not, and able to connect to who you truly are? And that does take effort it you know?

Eleanor Hayward  19:51  
Leaning into the discomfort? Yeah. Because really where the magic lies is outside your comfort zone. 

Elvira Hopper  19:57  
Yeah, exactly. 

Eleanor Hayward  19:58  
That takes risk, and that takes.. takes some time, it takes some bandwidth. 

Elvira Hopper  20:02  

Eleanor Hayward  20:02  
But when you start to look at what you're resisting, 

Elvira Hopper  20:08  

Eleanor Hayward  20:08  
And yhy you're resisting it that? Oh, well, that's because something similar to this might have hurt me. 

Elvira Hopper  20:15  

Eleanor Hayward  20:15  
In the past. But it's my memory that's trying to protect me. My ego is trying to protect me. But it's really, ends up holding us hostage.

Elvira Hopper  20:24  
Yeah, exactly. We'll get more into ego in another episode. But yeah, absolutely. I so agree.

Eleanor Hayward  20:29  
 With all the key we hold the keys to our kingdom. 

Elvira Hopper  20:31  
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah. So I think, Eleanor if it would be okay to just tie this up in a neat little bow,

Eleanor Hayward  20:38  

Elvira Hopper  20:38  
and just say, you know what, let us just be so grateful that we are working with our fabulous producer, Stephan Danko. And we're here and we're sharing this message of evolution, and let's let's, you know, help to create A Revolution of Evolution on the planet through our conversations. And, you know, that's, that's what I'm excited about. So how about you? 

Eleanor Hayward  21:03  
Thank you Stephan, for being our producer, thumbs up, and thank you to our audience. For listening and hoping that you're gleaning some wisdom for your paths? Because personal development is a journey. Yeah. It's an adventure. Yeah. And there's there's ups and there's downs. And there's always more to learn. Yeah, really, we want to be Personal Development 101. 

Elvira Hopper  21:26  

Eleanor Hayward  21:26  
If you haven't been exposed to personal development before, we're hoping to share some of those teachings and tools with you over the series of our episodes. 

Elvira Hopper  21:34  

Eleanor Hayward  21:34  
So thank you for tuning in. And we hope you come back. 

Elvira Hopper  21:36  
Yay! Thank you, Eleanor.

Eleanor Hayward  21:39  
Thank you, Elvira. Thank you so much for listening to The Love Your Vibe Podcast, A Revolution of Evolution. Please join us in the Retreat and Recreate to Evolve and Elevate Facebook Group for your daily dose of insight and inspiration. Learn more about The Love Your Vibe Transformation, a personal development SOULution for heart-centered people. Catch us Elvira Hopper and Eleanor Hayward next time. Bye for now.